Welcome to the Swedish Seaplane Association | SSA

Swedish Seaplane Association is a national non-profit association for taking care of seaplane interest.

About SSA

Welcome to the Swedish Seaplane Association, SSA!

Flying seaplanes means that you are free to fly, but with responsibility. SSA wants the freedom to fly seaplanes to consist.

We want to continue flying seaplane with high security. Therefore, we take our responsibility, by working with environmental issues and prudent use of our beautiful Swedish nature.

Seaplane Ports & Areas

In this section we have gathered information that we hope will assist you before your seaplane flight.

Training & security

In the section TRAINING & SECURITY, we have gathered information and recommendations on what needed to be a good seaplane pilot and to be well prepared before the upcoming seaplane seasons.

Seaplane – freedom with responsibility


In this section we have gathered the latest news, pdf copies of the member magazine SJÖFLYG, images, video gallery and other things of interest